South Texas Leadership Academy on
Problem Based Learning

April 13-14, 2007
Sheraton Beach Hotel
South Padre Island, Texas

Sponsored by:
South Texas College
Del Mar College
Texas Collaborative for Teaching Excellence

Academy Details:
Academy facilitator, Dr. Ruth Loring, is a nationally recognized expert on Problem-Based Learning. She has been funded by the National Science Foundation to create, a repository and resource for Problem-Based Learning. She is also the lead facilitator for Focus on the Student: Critical Thinking for the 21st Century, a project funded by a Carl Perkins Grant to encourage critical thinking in the classroom through the use of Problem-Based Learning.

Hotel Details:
Hotel accommodations for Thursday, April 12th - Saturday, April 14th, are available at the conference hotel for $119 per night. Please call the Sheraton at 956-761-6551 and request the South Texas Leadership Academy room block. To guarantee a room at the conference rate, you must reserve your hotel room by Friday, March 23rd.

Registration Details:
Registration fee for the Academy is $95. This will cover a full breakfast, lunch, and snacks on both Friday and Saturday. It will also cover the extensive materials and resources that will be provided for participants.

For more information or to register,
please visit the South Texas Leadership Academy website

Registration must be received by March 23rd.

For questions or help with registration,
please call Sylvia Valdez at 956-872-7269
or email her at [email protected]




Search Texas Collaborative:

Copyright 2007, Texas Collaborative for Teaching Excellence
This project was funded by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Fiscal Agent: Del Mar College. Website maintained by CORD.
[email protected]