Career and Personal Development Resources

Professional development resources found here encompass a variety of web-based content for further study.

“Jan's Illustrated Computer Literacy 101” –

Create Your Personal Mission Statement –
A Franklin Covey exercise to help you create your own personal mission statement.

The Teaching Perspectives Inventory developed by Daniel Pratt and John Collins relates to their research on effective teaching. Take this online inventory and discover your dominant approach in the classroom.  Is your perspective on teaching based on Transmission, Apprenticeship, Development, Nurturing, or Social Reform?

Guidelines and procedures for the new faculty mentorship program at Austin Community College:

Visit Richard Lyon’s website for an article on mentoring and a sample mentorship contract:

New faculty mentoring program at Iowa State:

New faculty mentoring program at El Paso Community College:

Texas Collaborative Teaching Module on Mentoring, by Stacy Mayo, El Paso Community College

Parker Palmer offers retreats based on the “teacher formation” philosophy.  An excerpt from Dr. Palmer’s article “The Heart of a Teacher: Identity and Integrity in Teaching” explains: 

“We need to open a new frontier in our exploration of good teaching: the inner landscape of a teacher's life. To chart that landscape fully, three important paths must be taken—intellectual, emotional, and spiritual—and none can be ignored. Reduce teaching to intellect and it becomes a cold abstraction; reduce it to emotions and it becomes narcissistic; reduce it to the spiritual and it loses its anchor to the world. Intellect, emotion, and spirit depend on each other for wholeness. They are interwoven in the human self and in education at its best, and we need to interweave them in our pedagogical discourse as well.”  

Center for Formation in the Community College
Leading the formation movement among community colleges, the Center for Formation in the Community College is a resource and catalyst for personal and institutional work toward wholeness and authenticity.

Stress managment and avoiding professional burnout – – A resource list of websites from Teachnology.

Stress Management and Emotional Wellness links to strategies for reducing stress and managing the physical response to stress.

Learning Meditation provides 5-10 minute meditations with music and guided imagery for any stressful occasion.

Seven Time Management Sanity Savers – A resource from Scholastic that offers tips for time-stressed teachers by Beblon Parks that can be applied to any aspect of life, career or personal.

Time Management Talk –  
A presentation on time management by Randy Pausch of Carnegie Mellon University. The presentation includes planning tools, inspirational tools, personal experiences, time-saving tips, delegation tips, advice, and recommended readings.


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Copyright 2007, Texas Collaborative for Teaching Excellence
This project was funded by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Fiscal Agent: Del Mar College. Website maintained by CORD.
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