You are here: Computer Attacks and Prevention > Subtopic 1 > Activities
Denial of Service attacks pose a real threat to businesses and organizations. Knowledge about the methods used by attackers coupled with appropriate defense tactics and hardware can mitigate these threats. Successful completion of the subtopic activities assures that students have gained an understanding of the subtopic concepts.
Activity 1.1
This activity will familiarize students with the terminology used by firewall products to protect against denial of service attacks. Students will perform research, analyze their findings, and present their conclusions.
Student Procedure
Review the specifications of 3 firewall products. Write down the verbiage that indicates they address denial of service attacks. |
Student Self-Assessment
Students will be able to self assess their comprehension of the subtopic based on the quality of their review. Further assessment may be gauged via group discussion.
Instructor Information
Activity level of difficulty: Intermediate
Suggested teaching strategies: Instructor should lead students to find the required specifications. The instructor could name specific products to research, identify physical locations to visit (such as retail outlets), or list specific websites for students to visit. Assessment: Instructors should look for the following terms when performing their assessment of this student activity:
Activity 1.2
This activity will familiarize students with real world cases involving denial of service attacks. Students will perform research, analyze their findings, and present their conclusions.
Student Procedure
Perform online research to find an example of a company that was a victim of a denial of service attack. Write a brief synopsis of the event and its repercussions. |
Student Self-Assessment
Students will be able to self assess their comprehension of the subtopic based on the quality of their synopsis. Further assessment may be gauged via group discussion and/or student presentations.
Instructor Information
Activity level of difficulty:
BeginnerActivity 1.3
This activity will familiarize students with the difficulties involved in identifying the perpetrators of Denial of Service attacks. Students will perform research, analyze their findings, and present their conclusions.
Student Procedure
Explain why it is so difficult to capture and/or prosecute those engaging in Denial of Service attacks. |
Instructor Information
Activity level of difficulty: Advanced
Suggested teaching strategies: This activity requires students to do further research on their own. It will also incorporate critical thinking skills in order for the students to draw conclusions.
Assessment: Instructors should assess student success based on the quality of research performed and the conclusion drawn.