Web Design Principles
1. What element sets the overall
mood of a Web page?
2. Define navigation.
3. Name three types of navigational elements that could be included
in a
Web page.
4. Where are most navigational elements located on a Web page?
5. How many hyperlinks are used on a well-designed Web page?
6. Define interactivity.
7. Search on the Internet for two well-designed Web sites and two poorly-
designed Web sites.
8. Search on the Internet for effective Web design principles, and write
down in a notebook those you feel beneficial.
1. Color
2. Allows for direction and consistency in a Web page.
3. Icon, button, hyperlink.
4. Top, bottom, left side.
5. No more than 10 links on a page.
6. Linking text or documents to allow the user to play an active role
in the online experience.
7. This will depend upon search results of the student.
8. This will depend upon search results of the student.