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Interactive PowerPoint Lessons
The following three PowerPoint presentations serve as self-paced teaching and learning activities suitable for use in a computer lab or in an on-line course.. The presentations begin at the most basic level and build. The instructor should have his students begin with the model most appropriate to the individuals needs. For instance, a pre-algebra student should begin with the first presentation and do the second. An intermediate student may only need a quick review and could work with the third presentation only.
  • Presentation One: Works only with addition, subtraction, and grouping symbols
  • Presentation Two: Includes information from presentation one and multiplication and division
  • Presentation Three: Reviews and develops the concepts. This presentation includes some financial formulas which will require a calculator capable of exponentiation.
These will be self-assessed by the student. Each presentation includes "you try it" exercises with applause sounds for some correct answers and some slides where a wrong answer choice will direct the student to a slide explaining the error.